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Pre-Inoculation : How to Prevent Disease before it starts.

Pre-Inoculation : How to Prevent Disease before it starts.

Posted by Joshua T Serpa on May 10th 2021

First off, let me say that this is not advice on how to kill, prevent or treat pests, fungi, viruses or other areas that are subject to regulation from state and federal governments. This information is for novelty purposes only. I am not a licensed pesticide applicator.

Pre-Inoculation is an agricultural concept that typically applies to seeds.  Scientists figured out that seeds can be pre coated with beneficial bacteria in a fine powder. This makes the plants that are direct seeded into a field  more viable and more likely to be healthy when germinated.  There are numerous patents around this subject.

Lets take this concept a bit farther with the Clonefogger.  As a Cannabis or hemp grower, you know the main problems you are going to have. Broad Mites, Russet Mites, Two-Spotted Spider Mites, Thrips, Powder Mold and Botrytis, (Bud Mold). You also know the beneficial bacteria and beneficial fungi that can be used to prevent and treat these diseases.  For an example it is know that Actinovate, (Streptomyces Lydicus) can be sprayed onto Cannabis Crops in the mid summer to prevent Bud mold from forming in the fall.

This is where we can take the concept further, try taking a Clonefogger and foliar fogging the beneficial bacteria and beneficial fungi onto your plants when they are very small. Clones and seeds can be foliar fogged at a very young age with the proper beneficial biologics.  The microbes and fungal spores will be present on the small plants, if a pest or disease arrives in your garden the beneficals will activate and do what mother nature intended. This pre-inoculation process can save you tens of thousands of dollars in crop damage from disease.

Pre-Inoculation of seedlings and clones with a Clonefogger is the most cost effective way to prevent disease in the future. Most other sprayers or foggers are damaging to microbes and fungal spores.  AeroScience is the world leader in dry fog atomizers for agriculture and we focus on ways to reduce water consumption while increasing plant health.

Cheers and keep growing strong.