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Red Shade Netting for Water Conservation and Increased Yields.

Red Shade Netting for Water Conservation and Increased Yields.

Posted by Joshua T. Serpa on Aug 22nd 2022

Agricultural shade netting has been used for years to reduce the amount of water a crop needs in the mid-summer sun.Colored shade cloths have been proven to increase the yields per acre on tomatoes by up to 40% as compared to open field grown crops. The same logic applies to cannabis and hemp crops although there needs to be more research conducted to prove the actual percentage improvements. Our personal tests with Redshade increased the yields up to 25% when compared to outdoor full
AeroScience: Fighting Climate Change one nozzle at a time.

AeroScience: Fighting Climate Change one nozzle at a time.

Posted by Joshua T. Serpa on Aug 13th 2022

Say what you will about climate change, it is very hard to deny the fact that humans are making a major impact on our natural resources.  Deforestation, desertification, increasing atmospheric CO2 levels, commercial ocean fishing, developing nations moving towards urban settlement, all of these human related activities are changing the planet in a major way. Just look at google maps on the west coast of the USA to see the massive swaths of forest land that have been cleared for the timber i
AeroScience: The History of Dry Fog Atomization

AeroScience: The History of Dry Fog Atomization

Posted by Joshua T. Serpa on May 17th 2021

The AeroScience brand is focused on Water Conservation Products for Agriculture.  The word Aero came from the word Air and the term Science means "the state of knowing".  It is commonly thought that AeroScience is the study of Aeronautics and Aerospace Engineering, which ironically is where the original MicroFog atomizer came from.  Dry Fog atomizers were used to atomize fuel for jet engines in the late 1960's. From that industry, they were repurposed as dust suppression nozz
How Complex is the Soil Food Web? The Future Potential of Organic Aeroponics.

How Complex is the Soil Food Web? The Future Potential of Organic Aeroponics.

Posted by Joshua T Serpa on May 17th 2021

As growers and farmers we need to understand the complexities of the Soil Food Web.As aeroponic growers we need an even deeper understanding of the Soil Biome in order to replicate it.  In a highly oxygenated aeroponic environment, root growth is un-obstructed by the forces of soil physics. When you break down soil you end up with groups of inputs, Sand, Silt, Clay, Minerals, Organic Matter, Living Matter, Arthropods, Nematodes, Fungi, Bacteria and even smaller viruses.  As aeropo
What is a Root Ring?

What is a Root Ring?

Posted by Joshua T Serpa on May 12th 2021

The concept of the Root Ring came from the old school outlaws in the mountains.Over the last 40 Years there have been cannabis growers hiding in the hills throughout the west. From Northern California to Southern Oregon outlaws have been planting weed and looking for ways to grow more with less.  In 2003, I found a company at the Farwest Trade Show in Portland Oregon trying to sell fabric pots to the nursery industry.  They were struggling to make sales because hort